
Inspirational events for now

About Events

Sometimes our clients are looking for something a bit different, something out of the box that can surprise, delight and challenge. We love these challenges as they allow us to unleash our creativity and collaborative spirit to create something uniquely suited to the client. This video from one of our own breakfast seminars shows some of the energy that we can bring:

Some additional examples include:

Unlocking Potential

"The content is rich. And not what I expected at all. The most impactful course I’ve taken in a long time."

Matthew Lamson, Leader of Inside Sales Worldpay

"The course goes beyond presentation skills. The principles can be applied in many other situations. Learned to trust myself, keep calm, and also how to captivate an audience."

Gabriela Montalvo, Project Manager Particip

"They allow you to be you and feel confident to say what you think. It allows you to really delve into the leader that you are and how to further improve."

Camila Horner, Finance Lead Humankind

"I found this course very profound! It was so valuable to have protected time to spend on this skill, considered, reflective feedback, and a safe space to experiment with pushing my usual boundaries. Totally brilliant. So insightful."

Sarah Ritchie, Policy Officer Health and Care Professions Council

"So today I completed my first presentation, WOW! I couldn't believe how much I enjoyed it."

Simon Dennis, Manager Wickes

Improving Performance Dramatically

London New Delhi New York

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